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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas at Grandmama's and Grandpapa's house

Chris' sister Candace and her husband Vred

All the kids in the tub

Candace had reindeer food for the kids to go sprinkle on the front lawn

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our 8th Anniversary

Yesterday we celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary. We had a fabulous night at Disneyland. Chris took us to eat at the Blue Bayou. We were pretty lucky we got in. When we got there the man at the door told us they were all booked for the night. He even went in to check if there were any available tables. He came back and said there was none. But then he just look at us and said I will find one, come in and take a seat. I couldn't believe it. I guess he just liked the way Chris was looking or something. We had a great time and I am thankful to be married to such a wonderful man. Oh, also Chris had left an anniversary card for me in the morning before he left for work. Which I love getting cards. If I don't get a card I feel sad. Thank you for all you do for us Chris you are a wonderful husband and father!

The kids were so good inside the restaurant which was a first.

Caleb could not believe we were eating at the place we always pass by on the boat in Pirates.

Chris eating his delicious dinner

And here is our picture the waiter took for us.

It was a great night. The kids were able to ride Dumbo for the first time.

The line was so short. We could not believe it.

On the carousel.

Daddy and Bubby

Daddy and Dobo

We even got to goof around in Toon Town.

Bubby waving hi on the fire truck

On the Jolly Trolley. Hurry up Bubby come sit down over here for the picture.

We also took the kids on the Go Coaster. They had scared faces when it was over. Do you wanna go again? NO NO!! OK.

Chris and the boys on the boat.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

all-day tote

Today I made this tote bag from my simple sewing book which said it would take a day or two to complete even if you are experienced. It was more intricate with all of the pieces that had to be cut out and with reading the three page instructions that went with it but it took me three hours from start to finish. I think since it is Saturday that is why I was able to do this. Chris kept the kids from bothering me so I didn't have to stop what I was doing. Which was a big help.

This is the inside.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Benefit Boutique

For those of you who are wondering why I keep posting things I have been making everyday, it is because my sister Natalie and her sister-in-law Julie are putting together a boutique to raise money for a family in need which you can read about by clicking on the Sprinkle the Love button to the right. So I have been making things and hopefully we can get more people to help or if you would like to come to the boutique that would be great.

Today I made this checkbook cover which happens to fit this yearly calendar which I will be leaving in for the boutique.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The kids are loving their new Lightening McQueen slippers. They are driving them all around and having a lot of fun. They are also great because the mornings are now so cold and our floor is freezing.

Thanks a bunch Natalie for our slippers. We love you!! Dobo and Bubby

I went ahead and made the drawstring backpack. What do you think guys?

Modeling the backpack.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hey Nat

Caleb has turned into his Uncle John. Lately he has been going around the house saying "I know you" and "Geez Lady". It is so hilarious.

Apron #2 is complete. Tomorrow I think I'll make something else, maybe a tote or a drawstring backpack. We'll see.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Natalie and Julie, I have one apron done and a lot more to go. I'm hoping to make one item a day. We'll see if I can. I have so much material! It's overwhelming to look at. So I try not to look at it.

Mother's Soup

Yesterday I made moms soup which we have all grown up with. I could eat bowl after bowl it is so good. I do a pretty good job and it tastes identical to moms, maybe even a little bit better. I invited mom to come over and have some. She loved it!!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Happy Birthday Natalie!! Hope you have a wonderful day and we'll see you tonight! Love you!! Turn off music first before listening to Dobo.


Last night we went to the California Adventure Trick-or-Treat-Party. We had such a fun time. We went with Schuyler, Lisa and James. We had a blast going around filling our bags with candy, going on a few rides and even stopped to dance at one of the dance parties. We have so much candy it's unbelievable! We went a couple times around to all the candy stations. I think this is the first time we stayed till closing. The kids had an awesome time. It was good fun!!

I don't think Katie knew Chris had this shirt on!! ha ha
Caleb was Optimus Prime this year
Noah was Winnie the Pooh
I was Alice in Wonderland again

Lisa and James getting down at one of the dance spots

My Pooh Bear
I had to take a picture with Queen of Hearts.
Tiger Lily and Capt. Hook. Although everyone thought she was Pocahontas.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Saturday we took a trip to the Natural History Museum. We had a nice time. Caleb was basically scared the whole time. He acted like everything he saw was going to come alive and get him!! So no pictures of him he stayed in his stroller the whole time.
Uncle John and Aunt Natalie

Can you feel the love tonight!!

Looking Good, Mama
Nanny and Bubby
They had this cool show with a huge dinosaur puppet. The dinosaur looked real and sounded real. Caleb was scared at first until he looked down and saw man legs walking around.