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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Party

Just before leaving for mom's ward Halloween Party

Chris and the Boys. I bought the Lion and Dinosaur costume on sale at Gymboree for 12 bucks each. So it was 2 for less than the price of 1, good deal!

Chris and that shirt again. Our little pumpkin is NOT creepy!

Kenzie and Katie the monkey. She was cozy in that costume.

Colby's niece. She is the second person I know who was going as Coraline. I thought she made a pretty good Coraline! So she let me take her picture.

Me and Kenzie.


Our Pumpkin and his Papa.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

4 Mos. and other stuff

Henry is 4 mos. old today. He can finally hold his head up high. It took him along time to do this I'm thinking because of the size of his head! He really hates tummy time, only about a minute and he's done.

I just can't say enough about how wonderful this baby is. This Boy is the Best!! I love being home with my 3 sons. Of course the house is most of the time a disaster with toys everywhere and mountains of clothes waiting to be folded on every couch, but I don't let that bother me so much. I am just enjoying this time I have with my little children and I'm so thankful they're happy and healthy! Henry is getting big so fast. He'll be playing with his brothers before you know it.

Henry and cousin Brooklyn. She's a doll!!

On to other things. Chris took the boys to the California Adventure Trick-or-Treat party with our friends. Noah was Buzz Lightyear and Caleb was G.I. Joe.

Chris said they had a great time. I wish I would have been feeling good to go. Kenzie took my place.

The boys with their good friend James.

Schuyler, Lisa and James.

And lastly Caleb and Noah in their cozy jammies being loving to one another.

Monday, October 19, 2009

All Together at Disneyland for Natalie's Birthday

The Brod's

Katie and Colby

Me and Katie

The Birthday Girl and Brooklyn

Me and Kenzie

Mama and Brooklyn

Mama and Papa

Chris had his hands full with all 3 Boys

Luke, Seth, Caleb, and Noah had a great time together. Hey look, they're all in stripes!

Lindsay and Mark

John giving Natalie a flower for her birthday. So sweet!!

Noah and Caleb sharing popcorn

The cousins on the carousel
With the big group we had I'm surprised at what a wonderful time we had and all the rides we were able to go on! The babies were very good and the kids had so much fun being together. I love my family!! It was great being together. I hope you had a great birthday Natalie, we sure had fun!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Birthday at Disneyland

Noah's Party at Disneyland. Thanks Mama and Kenzie for coming to celebrate !
I love the shirt, mom!

We love the Carnation Cafe which is on Main Street.

Chris and Caleb ready to eat I guess, they both have their mouths open! And Henry loves to chew on his hand, he is so cute.

The Birthday Boy blowing out the candle on his cake. The cake comes in this pirate's chest you can buy for $15.99. He was pretty excited when they brought it out.

Caleb took a picture of Mama. You can't see, but 2 tables behind us we had Aaron B. from Suburban Legends celebrating with us (he just didn't know it)!!

Here is a picture of Chris and Henry this morning before we left. They look a lot alike!
We had a fun time. Now next week we will be celebrating Natalie's Birthday! Can't wait!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Noah!

Our precious Noah Manuel Brod was born Oct. 9, 2006. Time has gone by too fast! Our boy is 3 years old today.

Katie with Noah back in the day. She was looking good as usual!

These pictures are not in order, I messed up

Such a happy boy.

Noah's first Christmas

And more pictures of Noah that I love.

We are so lucky to have this boy in our family. He's been a joy these 3 years and I'm so happy to be his mother. We love you Noah, Happy Birthday!!!